Let me tell you that this article is no where related to money making tips or to propose you over a business idea. So what is financial freedom? Can it be achieved? Or is it deceptive?
So lets start our journey towards financial freedom……
First thing is to know that financial freedom goes inside you and has nothing to do with the amount of money you make or can make. Yes, some people are happy even if they make very little when you compare them with those who make a million every day.
Irony is that the millionaires are more stressed out over their financial situations.They have got a lot to loose and have the right to get tensed.
As far as you have the control over income and the expenses you can alleviate any of your worries. As truly said by some economist “Needs are unlimited but the resources are limited”. One needs to understand his basic needs that need to be filled out instead of creating needs to go out for a dinner in a five star every night, purchase another car when you have many and so on….
I know many people who are worth millions of dollars and I also know people who do not have a coin to toss. But some are happy and some aren’t. So is it related to money?
No, it is a mere state of mind and the attitude towards life. People end up in making billions over their life span and are still looking to make more. Is it to attain the financial freedom? Now you can answer better than me.
Money, money, money… What is it? Just a medium of exchange. Money is a means to an end, not an end itself.
If you are free to earn, free to spend and free to save , what else one should look for attaining the financial freedom.
Another aspect for financial freedom…….
Debt kills the freedom. So first thing one should do is to get out of his debt. Always remember that borrower is the servant of lender. Buy it now and struggle later works no more. Instead delay your purchases, invest money, set your priorities and live by a budget. When our budget loosens up a bit we will find enjoying even more.
Change your attitude towards money, look things a little differently and see the magic yourself.
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